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Uncover true proteoforms in your top-down data.
We innovate powerful bioinformatic platforms that let you to rapidly illuminate the diversity of true proteoforms in your samples, helping you to see more than meets the eye.
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for the forest
with ProSightPD — the most powerful proteoform search engine at your fingertips.
The ProSight Experience
Read what researchers have to say about ProSight and working with our team of experts.
ProSightPD is a truly complete platform for the analysis of top-down proteomics data. What I enjoy of PSPD is that it offers the chance to first obtain confident proteoform identifications using accurate FDR calculation, and then allows us to manually validate the search results using TDViewer, which links each proteoform ID to the respective intact and fragmentation mass spectra.
ProSightPD is also a perfect tool for analyzing the high molecular weight portion of the intact proteome, which is a major research focus in my lab. PSPD can not only search medium-high data but also includes a workflow dedicated to tPTCR data. By incorporating the support for intact mass spectra generated using proton transfer charge reduction, PSPD helps us in our investigation of large proteoforms in large-scale experiments.
Luca Fornelli
Assistant Professor of Biology at University of Oklahoma
We really enjoy working with ProSight bioinformatics tools because they are user-friendly, reliable, effective, and can simplify highly complex native top-down data. In addition to high-quality products, Proteinaceous has a team of highly-qualified scientists who are terrific resources and are very quick to answer questions. We are very happy with our ongoing collaborative work with Proteinaceous. It has been a pleasure to work with them.
Fabio Gomes
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
Virginia Commonwealth University
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ProSightPD 4.2 is now available in Proteome Discoverer 3.0, with a variety of licensing options to give researchers greater flexibility and affordability.