Sign up for our ASMS Short Course: Simplify Top-Down Data Analysis with Prosight.

We will be giving a short course at this year’s ASMS Conference in Minneapolis on Sunday, June 5, 2022.

As part of Course 27: Top-Down MS Data Analysis and Visualization, Proteinaceous’s Ryan Fellers will be instructing on how you can simplify your top-down data analysis using our Prosight tools. This course is part of a new 2-day short course at ASMS focused on Top-Down Proteomics:

Top-Down Proteomics (Course 21)
Top-Down MS Data Analysis and Visualization
(Course 27).

This bundle comprises two 1-day courses. If you are interested in both days, register for this bundled 2-day course for savings on registration fees.

This course is in-person ONLY.

Registration closes May 24.


STORIboard for Direct Mass Technology has arrived.


70th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics (June 5-9, 2022)