Proteinaceous will be at the 33rd Sanibel Conference on Mass Spectrometry Jan 19-22.

Proteinaceous will be demoing ProSight Native at the 33rd Sanibel Conference on Mass Spectrometry: Membrane Proteins and Their Complexes. We’ll have a table with more information, so be sure to find us to learn more!

Description from ASMS:

This conference is dedicated to the mass spectrometry of membrane proteins using a broad range of approaches. This includes applications to structure, biophysics, expression levels, cellular localization, interactions, and function. In addition, we also propose some talks covering complementary analytical techniques, such as X-ray crystallography, NMR, and cryoEM. We envisage this meeting will be topical for the pharmaceutical industry, since many of the current industrial therapeutic targets are membrane proteins.

Cover photo from ASMS.


ProSight Native v1.0 is here!


Published in JASMS: High-throughput deconvolution of intact protein using ProSight Native.